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Develop Banjarbaru Kaolin : July 2013

Government Banjarbaru South Kalimantan Province is ready to develop kaolin into raw materials such as ceramic craft that can be used as a typical product of local town.

Head of the Department of Cooperatives and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Banjarbaru M Fachruddin on Friday said the potential koalin Banjarbaru Cempaka is located in the district is large enough so that it can be developed.

"Kaolin reserves in District Cempaka large enough so that we plan to develop it into a center for pottery and other craft materials that can be used as the characteristic Banjarbaru," he said.

He said, the quality koalin from district located in the southern city of Banjarbaru was good enough so that it can be processed into handicrafts high value.
Clay Included Excavation C, Tile Makers Confused:,_pembuat_genteng_kelimpungan.html/25 January 2016

The tile and brick makers in Duren Village, Kebon Agung and Dawuah Lor District of Sukodono confused on clay as raw material suppliers do not have permission clay excavation C thus banned by the municipal police.

One of the residents Duren feel confused because the clay of Sumbersuko should not be dug up again, so it took a supply of clay from the quarry in the area Sumbersuko. The same is also recognized by the tile maker from the village of Kebon Agung difficulty in obtaining clay raw materials from outside the village because clay is also included excavation C, so that the land owners did not dare to sell out his village, especially for roof tiles and bricks.

Member of Commission A DPRD Lumajang, Faruq Qhotibi said it had made a visit to a center for the manufacture of bricks and tiles in Sukodono. He said he would call the relevant agencies, so that the brick maker can obtain the raw material.

Earth and Clay Quarrying in Indonesia
Indonesia Industry Report and Market Research
October 20, 2018
Industry Code : B2402
Forecast to : 2022

Earth and Clay Quarrying in Indonesia This industry consists of establishments engaged in mining and quarrying earth and clay. It includes the activities of forming, breaking up, and crushing clay, which cannot be separated administratively from mining earth and clay. Products of this industry include kaolin (china clay), ball clay (fire clay), fuller's earth and the like.
The primary activities of firms in this industry are :
- Kaolin (china clay) quarrying.
- Fire clay quarrying.
- Other Kaolin quarrying.
- Fuller's earth quarrying.
- Other Clay quarrying.
PT. Dataindo Inti SwakarsaTelp : (62 - 21) 719 3832
3rd Floor, Gapura Raya BuildingTelp : (62 - 21) 719 3834
Jl. Bangka Raya No. 4, Pela Mampang Email :
Jakarta 12720, Indonesia
Chapter Headings US $ Select All
Industry Outlook 60.50
Key Statistics 60.50
Market Characteristics 36.30
Segmentation 36.30
Industry Conditions 60.50
Industry Performance 60.50
Key Factors 27.50
Nonmetallic mineral exports finally free 0.39
Mining Potentials Underdeveloped 0.39
Kaolin Sediment Potential in Babel Reach 13 Million Tons 0.39
Tin and Kaolin Factories Located in Forests Closed 0.39
Regional Income Has Not Been Used to Its Best 0.39
Making Use of Available Potentials 0.39
Alter Abadi Suffers Financial Loss During 2003’s First Trimester 0.39

Report Content

The Earth and Clay Quarrying industry in Indonesia research report contain trend analysis, statistics, market size information, industry growth rates as well as major competitors.

Major market segments are identified and also those forces affecting demand and supply within this industry. Performance analysis includes emerging industry trends as well as recent results and performance of each key company. Drawing on the depth of information DIS also provides 5 year forecasts for this industry.

The comprehensive study also examines details such as the barriers to entry, operating cost structure, technology & systems and domestic & international markets. Tables and statistics include: Industry revenue, exports, imports, wages and number of companies in the industry, Industry growth and geographic regional data.

KEY STATISTICS 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Industry Revenue 107,942 104,367 131,689 158,085 169,151 Rp.Billion
Industry Gross Product 7,016 6,784 8,560 10,276 10,995 Rp.Billion
Number of Establishments 110 120 130 130 130 Units
Employment 109,600 101,200 85 81,000 85,400 Units
Exports 2,856 3,457 6,481 6,521 7,820 Rp.Billion
Imports 10,926 10,899 25,482 30,419 35,880 Rp.Billion
Total Wages 1,425 1,316 1,114 1,010 1,109 Rp.Billion
Domestic Demand 116,012 111,809 150,690 181,983 197,211 Rp.Billion
The data above is sample data only

Cost of Goods Sold 67.13 Gross Profit 32.87
Operating Expense 21.5 Profit (Loss) Before Tax 11.36
Administration 1.58 Depreciation 0.56
Electricity 0.66 Freight 1.99
Fuel, Parking, Toll & Retribution 1.62 Interest 3.09
Land and Building Rental 2.74 Marketing 2.69
Repairs and Maintenance 0.54 Service Fee 0.7
Staff Welfare Allowance 1.38 Other Expenses 0.92
Stationery & Inventory 0.48 Telephone 0.8
Utensils and Equipment 1.24 Wages and Salaries 0.5
The data above is sample data only

Central Java 13.4 DKI Jakarta 6.5
East Java 22.4 North Sumatra 17.9
Papua 2.0 Bali 3.0
South Sulawesi 6.0 West Java 28.8
The data above is sample data only
Price 500.008.250.000
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Credit Card
Bank Transfer in US$
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Table of Contents
About this Report
Key Statistics
Market Characteristics
Industry Conditions
Key Factors
Key Competitors
Industry Performance