PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa

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Industry News
Global Competitiveness, Footwear SMEs Break the Export Market:,-IKM-Alas-Kaki-Dobrak-Pasar-Ekspor/30 December 2021

The Ministry of Industry continues to encourage the development of small and medium industries (IKM) of footwear producers in order to increase their competitiveness. Moreover, as the world's 4th largest footwear production center, Indonesia has the potential to become a competitive local shoe producer in the global arena, with quality equivalent to world-renowned brands.

There are two local shoe brands that are proven to be able to penetrate the global market, including Sagara Boots and Pijakbumi. Both are partners of the Indonesian Shoe Industry Development Agency (BPIPI) Sidoarjo, a technical implementation unit under the guidance of the Directorate General of Small, Medium and Various Industries (IKMA) of the Ministry of Industry.

"BPIPI cooperates with Sagara Boots and Pijakbumi to enter the ecosystem of national footwear industry players because they have succeeded in being examples of quality footwear IKM players. The success stories of these two IKMs are expected to inspire other SMEs to be more adept at reading opportunities in domestic and foreign markets," said the Director General of IKMA at the Ministry of Industry, Reni Yanita in Jakarta, Thursday (30/12).
Local Footwear Industry Only Got US $ 4 Billion :, 22 December 2014

The flow of money from labor-intensive industries worldwide to industry in Indonesia is still not too big. According to the chairman of the Indonesian Employers Association, Anton Supit, shoe industry, Indonesia only around US $ 4 billion, while textile approximately US $ 12 billion and still less than Vietnam.

However, Anton optimistic, Joko Widodo government targets to create two million jobs per year would not be difficult to achieve, if the labor-intensive industry is really put to good use and it can also increase foreign exchange.

Footwear Manufacturing in Indonesia
Indonesia Industry Report and Market Research
August 15, 2024
Industry Code : C3242
Forecast to : 2028

Footwear Manufacturing in Indonesia This class consists of units mainly engaged in the manufacturing of footwear made from materials other than leather, synthetic leather, plastic, rubber and wood.
The primary activities of firms in this industry are:
- Canvas Shoes.
- Sponge Sandals.
- Canvas Sport Shoes.
PT. Dataindo Inti SwakarsaTelp : (62 - 21) 719 3832
3rd Floor, Gapura Raya BuildingTelp : (62 - 21) 719 3834
Jl. Bangka Raya No. 4, Pela Mampang Email :
Jakarta 12720, Indonesia
Chapter Headings US $ Select All
Industry Outlook 60.50
Key Statistics 60.50
Market Characteristics 36.30
Segmentation 36.30
Industry Conditions 60.50
Industry Performance 60.50
Key Competitors 60.50
Key Factors 27.50
Corporate credit guarantees can help cashlow companies 0.39
When Canvas Shoes Are Sprinkled with Crystals, Simple Becomes Luxurious 0.39
The Shoe Industry Will Grow 3.5% 0.39
Indonesian Footwear Export Growth Continues in 2016 0.39
Indonesia's Shoe Industry Entered the Top 10 of the World 0.39
Taiwan-South Korean shoe factory expansion in East Java 0.39
Footwear Industry Can Reduce Unemployment Figures 0.39
Trade Minister Remains Optimistic of Indonesia's Footwear Industry Competitiveness 0.39
Government Offers Machine Technology Aid for Footwear Industry 0.39
Indonesia's Shoe Industry Ready to Take Over China's Market Segment in Europe 0.39
The Shoe Industry 0.39
Indonesian Shoe Export Trend to European Union Rises 0.39
50 Shoe Companies Will Invest in Indonesia 0.39
USAID Helps Develop Footwear Sector & Components in West Java 0.39
Footwear Giants Returns to Indonesia 0.39
Hope in the Midst of Despair 0.39
Global Footwear Principals Invade Indonesia 0.39
Shoe Industry Requests Custom Policies be reformed 0.39
Bata Plans to Open 20 City Store Outlets 0.39
Minister of Industry 0.39
Government Needs to Help Shoe Industry 0.39
Distribution of Fake Shoes is Increasing in Quantity and Frequency 0.39
Shoemakers Face Profit Boom as Holiday Nears 0.39
Government Requested to Handle Shoe Industry's Basic Commodity 0.39
The Destruction of Tons of Shoes Unfriendly towards Environment 0.39

Report Content

The Footwear Manufacturing industry in Indonesia research report contain trend analysis, statistics, market size information, industry growth rates as well as major competitors.

Major market segments are identified and also those forces affecting demand and supply within this industry. Performance analysis includes emerging industry trends as well as recent results and performance of each key company. Drawing on the depth of information DIS also provides 5 year forecasts for this industry.

The comprehensive study also examines details such as the barriers to entry, operating cost structure, technology & systems and domestic & international markets. Tables and statistics include: Industry revenue, exports, imports, wages and number of companies in the industry, Industry growth and geographic regional data.

KEY STATISTICS 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Industry Revenue 107,942 104,367 131,689 158,085 169,151 Rp.Billion
Industry Gross Product 7,016 6,784 8,560 10,276 10,995 Rp.Billion
Number of Establishments 110 120 130 130 130 Units
Employment 109,600 101,200 85 81,000 85,400 Units
Exports 2,856 3,457 6,481 6,521 7,820 Rp.Billion
Imports 10,926 10,899 25,482 30,419 35,880 Rp.Billion
Total Wages 1,425 1,316 1,114 1,010 1,109 Rp.Billion
Domestic Demand 116,012 111,809 150,690 181,983 197,211 Rp.Billion
The data above is sample data only

Cost of Goods Sold 67.13 Gross Profit 32.87
Operating Expense 21.5 Profit (Loss) Before Tax 11.36
Administration 1.58 Depreciation 0.56
Electricity 0.66 Freight 1.99
Fuel, Parking, Toll & Retribution 1.62 Interest 3.09
Land and Building Rental 2.74 Marketing 2.69
Repairs and Maintenance 0.54 Service Fee 0.7
Staff Welfare Allowance 1.38 Other Expenses 0.92
Stationery & Inventory 0.48 Telephone 0.8
Utensils and Equipment 1.24 Wages and Salaries 0.5
The data above is sample data only

Central Java 13.4 DKI Jakarta 6.5
East Java 22.4 North Sumatra 17.9
Papua 2.0 Bali 3.0
South Sulawesi 6.0 West Java 28.8
The data above is sample data only
Price 500.008.250.000
Payment Method
Credit Card
Bank Transfer in US$
Bank Transfer in RP
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Table of Contents
About this Report
Key Statistics
Market Characteristics
Industry Conditions
Key Factors
Key Competitors
Industry Performance