Ministry of Industry Encouraging Performance of Leather Industry, Footwear and Miscellaneous:,-Alas-Kaki-dan-Aneka/1 November 2016 The Ministry of Industry continues to encourage the performance of the leather industry, footwear and miscellaneous for the processing industry group which is categorized as a priority sector in its development. The industry group also played a strategic role as a foreign exchange earner of the country.
Minister of Industry Airlangga Hartanto said, it is necessary for a strong coordination with the relevant sectors so that the leather industry, footwear and miscellaneous, we can host in their own country and become a world-class exporting countries. In the second quarter 2016, the growth of leather industry, leather goods and footwear by 7.74 percent, while the growth of various industries reached 3.84 percent.
Necessary policies that could raise the growth of leather industry and footwear, among them trade system of import and export regulations for raw skin as raw material for the leather industry, providing ease of imported leather from all over the country with regard to safety aspects, as well as the facilitation of materials center for the footwear industry. Furthermore, the industry is also increased ability of human resources through vocational education and restrictions on the import port for the finished product. For a variety of industries, need policies that support ease of acquisition of raw materials for the toy industry, enforcement of the obligation to use sports equipment in the country, implementation of mandatory SNI for eyewear products as well as energy costs are cheap.
On the other hand, the Minister of Industry appealed to the perpetrators of the leather industry, footwear and various to strengthen national branding in order to be competitive and known in the global market. Ad spending also be important in introducing the national brands, so that the government together with industry players need to be prioritized.
Leather Shoes Industry Complains Lack of Raw Material Supply : August 2015 Leather shoe industry in the country actually has a very bright prospects for penetrating international markets. But until now the businessmen are still difficulties in obtaining raw materials. More over the proportion of raw materials imported leather around 55% and 45% of local raw material
"The need for raw materials for 'the leather industry in the country of 5 million meters, while domestic production is only able to provide 2 million meters. So the shortage of 3 million meters that we are still imported," said Director of Textile Industry and Miscellaneous, Ramon Bangun when contacted Balance , last weekend.
Therefore, the Secretary General of the Indonesian Footwear Association (Footwear) Binsar Marpaung urged the government to speed up the program to suppress the raw material downstream industry's dependence on imported raw materials.