All Other Crop (including Hay) Farmingin USA
USA Market Research and Industry Report
31 August 2007
Industry Code : 11199
This industry comprises establishments primarily engaged in (1) growing hay, alfalfa, clover, and/or mixed hay, and producing field and grass seeds; (2) growing sugar beets; or (3) growing peanuts. Also included in this industry are establishments primarily engaged in one of the following: (1) growing crops (except oilseeds and/or grains; vegetables and/or melons; fruits and/or tree nuts; greenhouse, nursery and/or floriculture products; tobacco; cotton; or sugarcane); (2) growing a combination of crops (except a combination of oilseed(s) and grain(s); and a combination of fruit(s) and tree nut(s)) with no one crop or family of crop(s) accounting for one-half of the establishment's agricultural production (i.e., value of crops for market); or (3) gathering tea or maple sap.
The major products and services in this industry are:
- | Hay |
- | Other Crops |
- | Sugar beets |
- | Peanuts |
- | Herbs and Spices |
- | Hops |
- | Maple syrup | |
The primary activities of this industry are:
- | Alfalfa hay farming |
- | Clover hay farming |
- | Grass hay farming |
- | Mixed hay farming |
- | Sugar beet farming |
- | Peanut farming |
- | Agave farming |
- | Alfalfa seed farming |
- | Aloe farming |
- | Amaranth farming |
- | Bentgrass seed farming |
- | Bluegrass-Kentucky seed farming |
- | Chicory farming |
- | Clover seed farming |
- | Crimson cloves seed farming |
- | Fescue seed farming |
- | Grass seed farming |
- | Guar farming |
- | Hay seed farming |
- | Herb farming, open field |
- | Hop farming |
- | Jojoba farming |
- | Kenaf farming |
- | Maple sap concentrating (i.e., producing pure maple syrup in the field) |
- | Maple sap gathering |
- | Mint farming |
- | Orchard grass seed farming |
- | Ryegrass seed farming |
- | Sea plant agriculture |
- | Seaweed farming |
- | Sorghum sudan seed farming |
- | Spice farming |
- | Syrup, pure maple (i.e., maple syrup reducing) |
- | Tea farming | |
IBISWorld research reports contain trend analysis, statistics, market size information, industry growth rates as well as market share of competitors.
Major market segments are identified and also those forces affecting demand and supply within the industry. Performance analysis includes emerging industry trends as well as recent results and performance of each key company. Drawing on the depth of information IBISWorld also provides 5 year forecasts for each industry.
Each comprehensive study also examines details such as the barriers to entry, operating cost structure, technology & systems and domestic & international markets. Tables and statistics include: Industry revenue, exports, imports, wages and number of companies in the industry, Industry growth and geographic regional data.
Each comprehensive study also examines details such as the barriers to entry, operating cost structure (including averages), technology & systems and domestic & international markets. Tables and statistics include: Industry revenue, exports, imports, wages and number of companies in the industry, Industry growth and geographic location.