340 Residents Following Job Skills Training, http://surabaya.tribunnews.com/ 5 November 2015
After holding a Job Fair through the Department of Manpower and Transmigration, Gresik regency now provide work skills for 340 citizens, course materials in collaboration with the University of Surabaya, divided into several units' skills. The period of training for three weeks to a month, training is concerned with direct work practices, while the theory of just three days as an introduction.
New Rules Set by The Hong Kong Labor Department Related How To Clean Out The Outer Window: http://www.liputanbmi.com/baca/1773/aturan-baru-ditetapkan-oleh-departemen-tenaga-kerja-hong-kong-terkait-cara-membersihkan-jendela-luar/4 November 2016
The Hong Kong Labor Department has set new rules to prevent maid casualties while cleaning out the outer windows in high-rise buildings. The new rules include : the cleaned window must be lined, there are people watching when the maid cleans the outside of the window, and there is no body except the arm that is outside the window.
The union representing housemaids welcomed the new measures, but also voiced concern that the new rules are not listed in the old labor contract.
Employment agencies said it is very much to ask people to supervise the maid when cleaning windows, it is difficult to monitor if the conditions are met.
Leo Tang Kin-wah, director of the Asian Home Workers Union, said the new measures will be part of the requirements set forth in future employment contract standards for domestic workers. Tang said new measures are only effective in new or renewed contracts, meaning that more than 300.00 domestic workers employed under the old contract will not be protected under the new regulation.
Employment Agency Services in Indonesia
Indonesia Industry Report and Market Research
July 26, 2018
Industry Code : Q9793
Forecast to : 2022
Employment Agency Services in Indonesia Locating and placing prospective employees on behalf of clients.
The primary activities of firms in this industry are:
The finding and placement of employees in occupations such as; baby sitter, maids, chauffeurs, and factory workers.
Giving training and/or coaching of advance skills for job seekers, such as language or self-development.
Training center managed by the local government, which cooperate with private institution.
The Employment Agency Services industry in Indonesia research report contain trend analysis, statistics, market size information, industry growth rates as well as major competitors.
Major market segments are identified and also those forces affecting demand and supply within this industry. Performance analysis includes emerging industry trends as well as recent results and performance of each key company. Drawing on the depth of information DIS also provides 5 year forecasts for this industry.
The comprehensive study also examines details such as the barriers to entry, operating cost structure, technology & systems and domestic & international markets. Tables and statistics include: Industry revenue, exports, imports, wages and number of companies in the industry, Industry growth and geographic regional data.