Carrefour, Victim of Prize Winning Fraud Kompas, page 26, 2006-05-17
Several cases of prize winning lotto frauds have popped up. Around 10 victims of fraud have reported their cases to the Indonesian Consumer’s Foundation. They stated that they are not satisfied with PT Carrefour Indonesia’s explanation regarding the distribution of used prize winning coupons.
Cigna Co-operates with Carrefour and GE Finance Bisnis Indonesia, page B4, 2006-02-02
PT Asuransi Cigna Indonesia, together with PT Carrefour Indonesia and GE Finance, recently launched a free monthly shopping spree program. The program will benefit consumers that have a Carrefour Shopping Card, as now the card also features in-store insuarance. Since its establishment in December 2005, 1,000 policyholders have signed up in the program.