PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa

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Indonesia Companies - Indonesia Industry Reports - Indonesia Trade Reports - Indonesia Bilateral Reports

Indonesian Tariffs and Trade Reports Available

51.05 Wool and fine or coarse animal hair, carded or combed (including combed wool in the fragments).
5105.10.00.00 Wool and fine or coarse animal hair, carded or combed (including combed wool in the fragments). Carded wool.
5105.21.00.00 Wool and fine or coarse animal hair, carded or combed (including combed wool in the fragments). Wool tops and other combed wool : Combed wool in fragments.
5105.29.00.00 Wool and fine or coarse animal hair, carded or combed (including combed wool in the fragments). Wool tops and other combed wool : Other.
5105.31.00.00 Wool and fine or coarse animal hair, carded or combed (including combed wool in the fragments). Fine animal hair, carded or combed : Of kashmir (cashmere) goats.
5105.39.00.00 Wool and fine or coarse animal hair, carded or combed (including combed wool in the fragments). Fine animal hair, carded or combed : Other.
5105.40.00.00 Wool and fine or coarse animal hair, carded or combed (including combed wool in the fragments). Coarse animal hair, carded or combed.