PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa

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Indonesia Companies - Indonesia Industry Reports - Indonesia Trade Reports - Indonesia Bilateral Reports

Indonesian Tariffs and Trade Reports Available

20.05 Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading 20.06.
2005.10.00.00 Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading 20.06. Homogenised vegetables.
2005.20.10.00 Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading 20.06. Potatoes : Chips and sticks.
2005.20.90.00 Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading 20.06. Potatoes : Other.
2005.40.00.00 Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading 20.06. Peas (Pisum sativum).
2005.51.00.00 Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading 20.06. Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) : Beans, shelled.
2005.59.00.00 Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading 20.06. Beans (Vigna spp., Phaseolus spp.) : Other.
2005.60.00.00 Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading 20.06. Asparagus.
2005.70.00.00 Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading 20.06. Olives.
2005.80.00.00 Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading 20.06. Sweet corn (Zea mays var. saccharata).
2005.91.00.00 Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading 20.06. Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables : Bamboo shoots.
2005.99.00.00 Other vegetables prepared or preserved otherwise than by vinegar or acetic acid, not frozen, other than products of heading 20.06. Other vegetables and mixtures of vegetables : Other.