PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa

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Flat rolled products of iron or non alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm or more, clad, plated or coated. HS: 72.10
Other. HS: 7210.11.90.00
Containing by weight 0.6% or more of carbon. HS: 7210.12.10.00
Other. HS: 7210.12.90.00
Containing by weight less than 0.6% of carbon and of a thickness of 1.5 mm or less. HS: 7210.20.10.00
Other. HS: 7210.20.90.00
Containing by weight less than 0.6% of carbon and of a thickness of 1.5 mm or less. HS: 7210.30.10.00
Other. HS: 7210.30.90.00
Of a thickness not exceeding 1.2 mm. HS: 7210.41.10.00
Containing by weight less than 0.6% of carbon and of a thickness of 1.5 mm or less. HS: 7210.41.20.00
Other. HS: 7210.41.90.00
Of a thickness not exceeding 1.2 mm. HS: 7210.49.10.00
Containing by weight less than 0.6% of carbon and of a thickness of 1.5 mm or less. HS: 7210.49.20.00
Other. HS: 7210.49.90.00
Plated or coated with chromium oxides or with chromium and chromium oxides. HS: 7210.50.00.00
Containing by weight less than 0.6% of carbon and of a thickness of 1.5 mm or less. HS: 7210.61.10.00
Other. HS: 7210.61.90.00
Containing by weight less than 0.6% of carbon and of a thickness of 1.5 mm or less. HS: 7210.69.10.00
Other. HS: 7210.69.90.00
Containing by weight less than 0.6% of carbon and of a thickness of 1.5 mm or less. HS: 7210.70.10.00
Other. HS: 7210.70.90.00
Containing by weight less than 0.6% of carbon and of a thickness of 1.5 mm or less. HS: 7210.90.10.00
Other. HS: 7210.90.90.00
Related Indonesia Industry Reports
C3710 - Basic Iron and Steel Manufacturing in Indonesia

Industry News
2021 Steel Production Capacity Target Almost Reached: October 2021
An independent national steel industry is expected to be able to support the growth of the national economy. The government continues to encourage the development of the local steel industry so that its capacity can be increased. Director General of Metals, Director General of Ilmate, Ministry of Industry, Budi Susanto, said that the national steel production capacity until the fourth month of 2021 had reached 11.7 million tons. Meanwhile, the target that has been set is 11.9 million tons.

The Ministry of Industry already has a master plan for the development of the national iron and steel industry. The plan was made from 2015 to 2035. In the second phase of the plan (2020-2024), the target production capacity at the end of 2024 is 17 million tons.
The Import is Stronger, Steel Production Will Improve: August 2017
The Indonesian Iron and Steel Association (IISIA) projects that steel production growth will improve in line with the government's policy of tightening steel imports and adding new steel plants.

Based on data from the Central Bureau of Statistics, the metal goods industry, not the machinery and equipment, recorded the highest production growth among other industries by 10.86% in the second quarter of 2017. The increase in this sector is the main driver of manufacturing industry production growth of 4% on an annual basis.

Hidayat Triseputro, Executive Director of IISIA said, the condition of the country's steel industry began to improve due to several factors. Namely, foreign factors, the price of steel (in China) has gone up significantly. Factors in the country, this is due to the effect of regulations and government policies related to tightening imports of steel, so steel consumers are beginning to switch to domestic production.
HS No. 7210.11.10.00
1 July 2019
Trade Data 2018

Flat-rolled products of iron or non-alloy steel, of a width of 600 mm or more, clad, plated or coated. Plated or coated with tin : Of a thickness of 0.5 mm or more : Containing by weight 0.6% or more of carbon.
PT. Dataindo Inti SwakarsaTelp : (62 - 21) 719 3832
3rd Floor, Gapura Raya BuildingTelp : (62 - 21) 719 3834
Jl. Bangka Raya No. 4, Pela Mampang Email :
Jakarta 12720, Indonesia
Chapter Headings US $ Select All
Import Duty 1.00
Value Added Tax 1.00
Total Tax 1.00
Preferential Tariff (AFTA) 0.50
Import Trade Figures 5.00
Export Trade Figures 5.00
Countries of Origin [8] 0.80
Countries of Destination [2] 0.20

Report Content
Import Duty 15.0 5.0
Value Added Tax 10.0 10.0
Luxury Tax 0.0 0.0
Total Tax 26.5 15.5
Ministerial Decree No. 133/PMK.01/2005 date December 23, 2005
The data above is sample data only
CIF (US) 23,027,318 19,067,348 20,447,454
Quantity (Unit) 2,123,329 3,698,379 5,453,456
Weight (Kg) 7,221,440 11,661,880 12,567,123
The data above is sample data only
IMPORTED INTO INDONESIA 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
CIF (US) 7,374,478 10,047,482 10,842,850 7,459,774 16,714,619
Quantity (Unit) 1,887,946 2,489,655 3,303,849 494,569 788,285
Weight (Kg) 4,905,807 6,478,645 7,073,154 6,222,921 11,604,996
The data above is sample data only
FOB (US) 110,581 130,768 135,342
Quantity (Unit) 100,465 246,561 144,567
Weight (Kg) 73,787 93,685 90,768
The data above is sample data only
EXPORTED FROM INDONESIA 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
FOB (US) 8,536,653 6,826,064 2,540,297 1,832,218 1,227,393
Quantity (Unit) 1,319,636 2,565,227 183,309 245,746 2,956,615
Weight (Kg) 8,496,901 5,326,395 1,861,318 1,497,720 1,404,649
The data above is sample data only
Malaysia 9,024,355 53.99
Singapore 4,920,377 29.44
Philippines 2,386,376 14.28
Ireland 326,250 1.95
Netherlands 38,372 0.23
Australia 13,627 0.08
United Kingdom 4,229 0.02
United States 796 < 0.01
Taiwan 237 < 0.01
Total 16,714,619 100
The data above is sample data only
Japan 967,895 78.86
Saudi Arabia 43,105 3.51
Kuwait 32,614 2.66
Malaysia 30,923 2.52
Australia 26,865 2.19
Romania 20,146 1.64
Timor Leste 17,964 1.46
Solomon Islands 17,216 1.4
Singapore 16,630 1.35
Eritrea 16,065 1.31
United Arab Emirates 13,419 1.09
Madagascar 7,928 0.65
India 4,840 0.39
Oman 4,640 0.38
United States 2,835 0.23
Qatar 2,786 0.23
Bangladesh 1,130 0.09
Hongkong 360 0.02
New Zealand 32 < 0.01
Total 1,227,393 100
The data above is sample data only
Price 25.00412.500
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