Publisher Wish Strict Regulations Related Illegal E-Book :, 4 December 2014 Many acts of publishing electronic books (e-book) is very disturbing and threatening illegal publishing business. Not to mention the added regulations that protect publishers and authors are still fairly minimal.
Chairman of the Association of Indonesian Publishers (Ikapi) West Java Anwarudin said, although disturbed by the presence of illegal e-book, it appreciates the motivation of authors to incubate a variety of his work in book form. According to him, the culture of Indonesian people still prefers the print version of the book compared to the digital version. In contrast to the conditions in foreign countries like America and Britain, and it hoped the government issued a policy of using e-book (legal) recalled the times are versatile use of IT. The government still directs the manufacture of educational literature books to the physical book. It is so distinct advantage for the publishing and printing industry. Predicted the existence of printed books still have a long enough time span until at least the next ten years.
The Printing Industry Begin Attractive with Online Path: September 2017 Following other sectors, the printing industry also take advantage of the euforia of the digital era. Users can make reservations via online. Like a service called PrintQoe, which is claimed as the first B2B online printing in Indonesia. The advantages of this service is the ability to answer the needs of print on-demand and variable printing in real time. Thus, making it easier for companies to process the printing of various types of documents without having to come to the location of printing.
President Director of PT Astragraphia Xprins Indonesia, Sahat Sihombing said, digital revolution allows businesses to get order printing from anywhere and anytime. Through a partnership with PT Astragraphia Xprins Indonesia (AXI), his side wants the printing partners to grow together, through a single online printing platform that is PrintQoe. So far this service is available in 514 cities and districts in Indonesia.
HS No. 4821.10.90.00
1 July 2019
Trade Data 2018
Paper or paperboard labels of all kinds, whether or not printed. Printed : Other.