PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa

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Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end jointed, or a thickness exceeding 6 mm. HS: 44.07
Planed. HS: 4407.10.00.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.10.00.20
Other. HS: 4407.10.00.90
Planed. HS: 4407.21.00.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.21.00.20
Other. HS: 4407.21.00.90
Planed. HS: 4407.22.00.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.22.00.20
Other. HS: 4407.22.00.90
Planed. HS: 4407.25.10.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.25.10.20
Other. HS: 4407.25.10.90
Planed. HS: 4407.25.20.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.25.20.20
Other. HS: 4407.25.20.90
Planed. HS: 4407.26.00.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.26.00.20
Other. HS: 4407.26.00.90
Planed. HS: 4407.27.00.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.27.00.20
Other. HS: 4407.27.00.90
Planed. HS: 4407.28.00.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.28.00.20
Other. HS: 4407.28.00.90
Planed. HS: 4407.29.11.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.29.11.20
Other. HS: 4407.29.19.00
Planed. HS: 4407.29.21.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.29.21.20
Other. HS: 4407.29.29.00
Planed HS: 4407.29.31.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.29.31.20
Other. HS: 4407.29.39.00
Planed. HS: 4407.29.41.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.29.41.20
Other. HS: 4407.29.49.00
Planed. HS: 4407.29.51.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.29.51.20
Other. HS: 4407.29.59.00
Planed. HS: 4407.29.61.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.29.61.20
Other. HS: 4407.29.69.00
Planed. HS: 4407.29.70.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.29.70.20
Other. HS: 4407.29.70.90
Planed. HS: 4407.29.80.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.29.80.20
Other. HS: 4407.29.80.90
Planed. HS: 4407.29.91.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.29.91.20
Jongkong (Dactylocladus spp) and Merbau (Intsia spp.), other. HS: 4407.29.92.00
Planed. HS: 4407.91.00.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.91.00.20
Other. HS: 4407.91.00.90
Planed. HS: 4407.92.00.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.92.00.20
Other. HS: 4407.92.00.90
Planed. HS: 4407.93.00.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.93.00.20
Other. HS: 4407.93.00.90
Planed. HS: 4407.94.00.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.94.00.20
Other. HS: 4407.94.00.90
Planed. HS: 4407.95.00.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.95.00.20
Other. HS: 4407.95.00.90
Planed. HS: 4407.99.00.10
Sanded or end jointed. HS: 4407.99.00.20
Other. HS: 4407.99.00.90

Industry News
Ministry of Environment and Forestry Hands over 229 Hectares of Forest Management to Unismuh Makassar: November 2022
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) handed over the rights to manage the Forest Area with a Special Purpose (KHDTK) Educational Forest to Muhammadiyah University (Unismuh) Makassar. This announcement was made by the Chancellor of Unismuh Prof. Ambo Asse at the Launching of the Faculty of Law at the Unismuh Makassar Convention Center, Jalan Sultan Alauddin Makassar City, and Wednesday, November 9.

The location of the educational forest KHDTK which was handed over to Unismuh, is on the edge of the Kebih road to be precise in Pacekke Village, Soppeng Riaja District, Barru Regency with an area of around 229 hectares. This stipulation was stated in the Decree of the Minister of Environment and Forestry Number 1097/MENLHK/SETJEN/PLA.0/10/2022.
KLHK Prepares Tree Seeds for Forest and Land Rehabilitation: November 2019
The Ministry of Environment and Forestry (KLHK) prepares tree seedlings through nursery activities in Bandung, West Java. Preparation of these seeds as one of the efforts for forest and land rehabilitation programs in Indonesia. The nursery is precisely located in plot 57 C BKPH West Manglayang, Bandung, West Java. "This nursery has produced seedlings ready for planting and the rainy season has arrived," LHK Minister Siti Nurbaya said in a press release on Sunday (3/11).

Because the rainy season has arrived, Siti asked her staff to speed up the nursery process. The seedlings obtained must be immediately planted in various locations as well as distributed to the community to be planted. Siti hopes that future nursery efforts will increasingly involve the surrounding community. Therefore, forest and land rehabilitation efforts need strong support from local communities.
HS No. 4407.29.99.00
1 July 2019
Trade Data 2018

Wood sawn or chipped lengthwise, sliced or peeled, whether or not planed, sanded or end-jointed, or a thickness exceeding 6 mm. Of tropical wood specified in Subheading Note 1 to this Chapter : Other : Other : Other.
PT. Dataindo Inti SwakarsaTelp : (62 - 21) 719 3832
3rd Floor, Gapura Raya BuildingTelp : (62 - 21) 719 3834
Jl. Bangka Raya No. 4, Pela Mampang Email :
Jakarta 12720, Indonesia
Chapter Headings US $ Select All
Import Duty 1.00
Value Added Tax 1.00
Total Tax 1.00
Export Fee 1.00
Import Trade Figures 5.00
Export Trade Figures 5.00

Report Content
Import Duty 15.0 5.0
Value Added Tax 10.0 10.0
Luxury Tax 0.0 0.0
Total Tax 26.5 15.5
Ministerial Decree No. 133/PMK.01/2005 date December 23, 2005
The data above is sample data only
CIF (US) 23,027,318 19,067,348 20,447,454
Quantity (Unit) 2,123,329 3,698,379 5,453,456
Weight (Kg) 7,221,440 11,661,880 12,567,123
The data above is sample data only
IMPORTED INTO INDONESIA 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
CIF (US) 7,374,478 10,047,482 10,842,850 7,459,774 16,714,619
Quantity (Unit) 1,887,946 2,489,655 3,303,849 494,569 788,285
Weight (Kg) 4,905,807 6,478,645 7,073,154 6,222,921 11,604,996
The data above is sample data only
FOB (US) 110,581 130,768 135,342
Quantity (Unit) 100,465 246,561 144,567
Weight (Kg) 73,787 93,685 90,768
The data above is sample data only
EXPORTED FROM INDONESIA 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
FOB (US) 8,536,653 6,826,064 2,540,297 1,832,218 1,227,393
Quantity (Unit) 1,319,636 2,565,227 183,309 245,746 2,956,615
Weight (Kg) 8,496,901 5,326,395 1,861,318 1,497,720 1,404,649
The data above is sample data only
Malaysia 9,024,355 53.99
Singapore 4,920,377 29.44
Philippines 2,386,376 14.28
Ireland 326,250 1.95
Netherlands 38,372 0.23
Australia 13,627 0.08
United Kingdom 4,229 0.02
United States 796 < 0.01
Taiwan 237 < 0.01
Total 16,714,619 100
The data above is sample data only
Japan 967,895 78.86
Saudi Arabia 43,105 3.51
Kuwait 32,614 2.66
Malaysia 30,923 2.52
Australia 26,865 2.19
Romania 20,146 1.64
Timor Leste 17,964 1.46
Solomon Islands 17,216 1.4
Singapore 16,630 1.35
Eritrea 16,065 1.31
United Arab Emirates 13,419 1.09
Madagascar 7,928 0.65
India 4,840 0.39
Oman 4,640 0.38
United States 2,835 0.23
Qatar 2,786 0.23
Bangladesh 1,130 0.09
Hongkong 360 0.02
New Zealand 32 < 0.01
Total 1,227,393 100
The data above is sample data only
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