Ensure supply of raw materials, PKG drill phosphate mine in Egypt: http://www.kabarbisnis.com/read/2863502/pastikan-pasokan-bahan-baku--petrokimia-gresik-incar-tambang-fosfat-di-mesir/30 December 2015 Fertilizer producer PT Petrokimia Gresik (PKG) will increase investment to strengthen the supply of fertilizer raw materials to ensure the availability of supply in the future one of them by establishing a mine of raw materials such as phosphate rock (phosphate rock).
Director of PKG, Nyakman Hidayat, said it is currently conducting a study to invest in mines phosphate rock in countries which have abundant reserves of phosphate, such as Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco and Jordan.
Phosphate mining repaired :http://www.suaramerdeka.com/v1/index.php/read/cetak/2013/12/04/245195/Penambangan-Fosfat-Dibenahi/4 December 2013 The pattern of phosphate mining in the area Kendeng Mountains North who have little concern for disaster vulnerability factors and safety at work, starting to be addressed. Miners who are members of the Association of Mining Community Starch phosphate (Gamatapos) is committed to leave old patterns.
"We are comprised of about 50 miners have been committed to improving the pattern of environmentally sound mining. In addition to not damage nature also ensure the safety of workers," said Chairman Gamatapos Sutirto, yesterday. Efforts that have been made by mining learning is good and true in the area of mining unit PT. Indocement Cirebon, West Java, on December 1 to 2.
On that occasion, the phosphate miners were given knowledge of the mining right, which begins with the stripping and excavation followed by a staircase.
According to him, the pattern so far has not been applied in mining phosphate in starch. Most still rely on traditional patterns that harm. "Phosphate Mining is usually done in the District Kayen, Sukolilo, and the surrounding area are still using a system of wells dug.
No previous stripping and phosphate hunted with similar excavated cave, "he said. Doing so is very dangerous and make the area damaged in the event of a landslide. The potential landslide large enough, because the making of the hole is not only vertically, but also horizontally underground.
Hunting phosphate in the traditional way, according to him is not necessarily successful in one perforation. Because, often sought after phosphate excavated only little or even no, so had to switch to other land. "If by way of stripping as exemplified in Cirebon, the mineral content seem to be taken, including phosphate.
The pattern that we will try, even though the traditional way and do not use heavy equipment, "he said. He explained that the presence of phosphate mining in the area Kendeng Mountains North during this time can not be eliminated. Given, they have been operating for a long time and some people have been dependent on the the work.
HS No. 2852.00.90.00
1 July 2019
Trade Data 2018
Compounds, inorganic or organic, of mercury, excluding amalgams. Other.