Buton National Asphalt Operate New Factory in February 2016 : http://industri.bisnis.com/read/20151112/257/491646/buton-aspal-nasional-operasikan-pabrik-baru-februari-2016/12 November 2015 PT. Buton Bitumen will operate the National Buton asphalt producing plant with a capacity of one million tons per year in Lawele, Buton, and Southeast Sulawesi province in February 2016.
Commissioner of PT. Buton National Asphalt Achmad F. Fadillah said, the operation of the plant is planned to be opened by the President of Joko Widodo. This shows the commitment of the government to prioritize domestic product.
According to him, during the import bitumen national oil per year reach approximately Rp20 trillion. In fact, in Buton, Indonesia have reserves of natural bitumen of at least 600 million tons sufficient for the needs for 200 years.
The limitations of the technology have been the obstacle is the lack of utilization of local asphalt. However, the technology is now in the country is quite capable to process raw materials Buton asphalt at a price that is cheaper than imported oil bitumen.
Chinese Investors Build Asphalt Industry : http://sinarharapan.co/news/read/27531/investor-china-bangun-industri-aspal/6 November 2013 Regent Buton, Syamsu Umar, revealing a variety of natural resources of the district, especially the asphalt mine, which is now attracting investors to manage it. It happened because the strenuous efforts of Buton District Government continued to promote the asphalt potential to investors, both domestic and foreign.
On December 2, 2013, according to him, there are Chinese investors who want to establish in Buton asphalt industry. The asphalt industry is planned to be completed before 2014 ends.
"If the asphalt industry to be built investors from China is finished, thousands of children Buton be absorbed into the workforce in the company," said Regent Umar without mentioning the name of Chinese investors in remembrance grand on Football Field Banabungi, Pasarwajo, mother city Buton, Tuesday (5/11).
HS No. 2715.00.00.00
1 July 2019
Trade Data 2018
Bituminous mixtures based on natural asphalt, on natural bitumen, on petroleum bitumen, on mineral tar or on mineral tar pitch (for example, bituminous mastics, cut-backs).