Quartz Sand State for Infrastructure: http://indonesianindustry.com/pasir-kuarsa-untuk-infrastruktur-negeri/17 October 2015 Infrastructure development requires readiness as a means of supporting material. As a manufacturer of quartz sand from East Kalimantan, PT Anugrah Marfuah Brothers, ready to take on the role of supporting development.
Quartz sand has an important role in industrial activity. Has developed comprehensive utilization, either directly as main raw materials as well as follow-up material.
As the main raw material, quartz sand are commonly used by the cement industry, glass slabs, tiles, mosaic tiles, to glassware. Meanwhile, as the raw material followup, he often used in the foundry industry, petroleum, and mining, to the ready-mixed concrete industry, ready mix.
Quartz sand reserves in the country is fairly large, about 4.55 billion tons. details; 78.6 million tons of measured reserves, 12.4 million tonnes of indicated, more than 21 million tonnes and 4.4 million tonnes inferred in the category of a hypothetical reserves. The entire reserve is spread in 11 locations throughout the country. However, 85% quartz sand resource-dominated region of Kalimantan, Sumatra and West Java.
Silica Sand Mining is rampant: https://beritapatroli.co.id/2021/09/22/tambang-pasir-silika-kian-merajalelaaparat-setempat-tutup-mata/22 September 2021 The Silica Sand Mining, which is located in Latsari Village, District, Bancar, Kab, Tuban, during a pandemic like this, is still operating as usual, which seems to be above the law. there are several mining locations that every day approximately 100 units of truck dams in and out of the village as sand transportation services.
Indeed, the sand mining location is a bit far from the residents' settlements, but some of the ex-mining excavations look like ravines that are dangerous for other road users. Should they be left alone and left without any reclamation? Landslide occurred and once fell victim.
HS No. 2505.90.00.00
1 July 2019
Trade Data 2018
Natural sands of all kinds, whether or not coloured, other than metal bearing sands of Chapter 26. Other.