Massive Limestone Mine, Mount dredged so Less : August 2015 Blur stone mining activity in hilly village of Gunungsari, District Baureno, running massive. Limestone hill that was once seen towering now transformed into cliffs and ravines are similar. If the activity continues without any supervision it is feared will have devastating effects on the surrounding environment.
Currently heavy equipment at the site continues to operate the dredge and taking limestone. The workers also seemed preoccupied operate heavy equipment and transport the limestone by truck.
Potential of IDR 240 Trillion, Maysir Yulanwar to Build BUMD Turatea Limestone: June 2024 Having an area of 74,979 Ha, one third or approximately 21,128 Ha of Jeneponto land contains Limestone. Spread across four sub-districts: West Bangkala, Bangkala, Tamalatea, and Binamu, by utilizing this natural potential alone Jeneponto can become the leading district in Sulawesi and even Eastern Indonesia.
The area of 21,128 Ha has the potential to contain 15 billion cubic meters of limestone. If the price of limestone specifically for buildings is IDR 50,000 per m3, and for cement materials it costs IDR 70,000 per m3, then Jeneponto's wealth "only" from limestone alone can reach IDR 900 trillion to IDR 1,200 trillion.