PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa

          PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa
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Indonesia Companies - Indonesia Industry Reports - Indonesia Trade Reports - Indonesia Bilateral Reports

Related Reports

Related Tariffs and Trade Reports
Other. HS: 8471.41.90.00
Other. HS: 8471.49.90.00
Prosessing units for personal (including portable) computers. HS: 8471.50.10.00
Colour. HS: 8443.31.10.10
Other. HS: 8471.60.90.00
Other. HS: 8471.60.90.00
Hard disk drives. HS: 8471.70.20.00
Swivel seats with variable height adjustment. HS: 9401.30.00.00
Seat other than garden seats or camping equipment, convertible into beds. HS: 9401.40.00.00
Of rattan. HS: 9401.51.00.10
Upholstered. HS: 9401.61.00.00
Upholstered. HS: 9401.71.00.00
Other. HS: 9401.80.90.00
Metal furniture of a kind used in offices. HS: 9403.10.00.00
Other metal furniture. HS: 9403.20.00.00
Wooden furniture of a kind used in the kitchen. HS: 9403.40.00.00
Wooden furniture of a kind used in the bedroom. HS: 9403.50.00.00
Other wooden furniture. HS: 9403.60.00.00
Furniture of plastics. HS: 9403.70.00.00
Bedroom, dining room or living room sets of rattan. HS: 9403.81.00.10
Bedroom, dining room or living room sets of other materials. HS: 9403.81.00.20
Related Companies Financial Reports
Agung Asli, PT
Alumni, PT
Aria Multi Graphia, PT
Bina Media Tenggara, PT
Champion Pacific Indonesia Tbk., PT
Citra Media Nusa Purnama, PT
Dharma Anugerah Indah, PT
Femina Group [Divisi Pelayanan Pelanggan Langsung]
Gramedia Widiasarana Indonesia, PT
Infomedia Nusantara, PT
Krisanthium, PT
Perum Percetakan Negara RI
Perum Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia (Perum Peruri)
Pikiran Rakyat, PT
Putra Agung, PT
Suara Merdeka Press, PT
Tempo Inti Media Tbk., PT
Bechtel Indonesia, PT
Bina Karya, PT (Persero)
Darma Henwa Tbk., PT
Delta Dunia Makmur Tbk., PT
Gowa Makassar Tourism Development Tbk., PT
Jasa Marga Tbk., PT (Persero)
Mitra Pemuda Tbk., PT
Nusantara Infrastructure Tbk., PT
PP Presisi Tbk., PT [Head Office]
Silkar National, PT
Teknik Umum, PT
Wakachiku Construction Company Ltd.
Ace Hardware Indonesia Tbk., PT
Altek Data System, PT
Electronic City Indonesia Tbk., PT
Emway Globalindo, PT
Globe Kita Terang Tbk., PT
Lusavindra Jayamadya, PT
Omni Inovasi Indonesia Tbk., PT
Trikomsel Oke Tbk., PT
Other Industry Players
Dewi, CV [Semarang Branch]
Indonesia Company Report
Last Update 12-August-2019
Major Businessline : Computer hardware and peripheral, Furniture, Printing, Civil construction

PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa
3rd Floor, Gapura Raya Building
Jl. Bangka Raya No. 4, Pela Mampang Email :
Jakarta 12720, Indonesia
Selective Member’s Information US $ Select All
Address 0.66
Telephone number(s) [1] 0.22
Facsimile number(s) [1] 0.44
Email 0.50
Personnel (Director [1]) 0.55
Business Activity 0.44
Legality (Ownership Type) 0.39
Number of employees [21-Feb-12] 0.77
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