PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa

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C3211 - Textiles and Yarns Manufacturing
Related Tariffs and Trade Reports
Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m2. HS: 5208.11.00.00
Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m2. HS: 5208.12.00.00
Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m2. HS: 5208.21.00.00
Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m2. HS: 5208.22.00.00
Voile or semivoile. HS: 5208.31.00.10
Cambrics. HS: 5208.31.00.20
Other garments matter. HS: 5208.31.00.30
Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m2. HS: 5208.32.00.00
String fabrics. HS: 5208.41.00.10
String fabrics. HS: 5208.42.00.10
Plain weave, weighing not more than 100 g/m2. HS: 5208.51.00.00
Plain weave, weighing more than 100 g/m2. HS: 5208.52.00.00
Plain weave. HS: 5209.11.00.00
Plain weave. HS: 5209.21.00.00
Plain weave. HS: 5209.31.00.00
Plain weave. HS: 5209.41.00.00
Plain weave. HS: 5209.51.00.00
Plain weave. HS: 5210.11.00.00
Plain weave. HS: 5210.21.00.00
Plain weave. HS: 5210.31.00.00
String fabrics. HS: 5210.41.00.10
Plain weave. HS: 5210.51.00.00
Plain weave. HS: 5211.11.00.00
Bleached. HS: 5211.20.00.00
Plain weave. HS: 5211.31.00.00
Plain weave. HS: 5211.51.00.00
Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave. HS: 5513.11.00.00
Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave. HS: 5513.21.00.00
Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave. HS: 5513.31.00.00
Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave. HS: 5514.41.00.00
Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave. HS: 5514.11.00.00
Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave. HS: 5514.21.00.00
Of yarns of different colours. HS: 5514.30.00.00
Of polyester staple fibres, plain weave. HS: 5514.41.00.00
Budi Texindo Prakarsa, PT
Indonesia Company Report
Last Update 15-August-2024
Major Businessline : Textile

PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa
3rd Floor, Gapura Raya Building
Jl. Bangka Raya No. 4, Pela Mampang Email :
Jakarta 12720, Indonesia
Selective Member’s Information US $ Select All
Address 0.66
Telephone number(s) [1] 0.22
Website 0.28
Personnel (Director [1]) 0.55
Establishment Date 0.77
Tax Number (NPWP) 0.77
Business Activity 0.44
Legality (Ownership Type) 0.39
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