PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa

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Q9791 - Photographic Studios
Related Tariffs and Trade Reports
Instant print film. HS: 3701.20.00.00
Other plates and film, with any side exceeding 255 mm. HS: 3701.30.00.00
Laser photo plotters (ITA/2 (AS2)). HS: 9006.10.10.00
Cameras of a kind used for recording documents on microfilm, microfiche or other microforms. HS: 9006.52.00.10
Cameras specially design for under water use, for aerial survey or for medical or surgical examination of internal organs; comparison cameras for forensic or criminological purposes. HS: 9006.30.00.00
Instant print cameras. HS: 9006.40.00.00
With a throughthelens viewfinder (single lens reflex (SLR)), for roll film of a width not exceeding 35 mm. HS: 9006.51.00.00
With a throughthelens viewfinder (single lens reflex (SLR)), for roll film of a width not exceeding 35 mm. HS: 9006.51.00.00
Other. HS: 9006.52.00.90
Other. HS: 9006.52.00.90
Other. HS: 9006.53.00.90
Other. HS: 9006.53.00.90
Other. HS: 9006.59.90.90
Lasers photo plotters or imagesetters with raster image processor. HS: 9006.59.10.00
Discharge lamp ("electronic") flashlight apparatus. HS: 9006.61.00.00
Other. HS: 9006.69.00.00
For laser photo plotters of subheadings 9006.10.10. HS: 9006.91.10.00
For photographic flashlight apparatus. HS: 9006.99.10.00
Perdana Bangun Pusaka Tbk., PT [Manado Branch]
Indonesia Company Report
Last Update 6-August-2024
Major Businessline : Photographic product

PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa
3rd Floor, Gapura Raya Building
Jl. Bangka Raya No. 4, Pela Mampang Email :
Jakarta 12720, Indonesia
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Address 0.66
Telephone number(s) [2] 0.44
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Website 0.28
Business Activity 0.44
Legality (Ownership Type, Investment Type) 0.39
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