PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa

          PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa
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Indonesia Companies - Indonesia Industry Reports - Indonesia Trade Reports - Indonesia Bilateral Reports

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Axes, bill hooks and similar hewing tools. HS: 8201.40.00.00
Pliers (including cutting pliers), pincers, tweezers and similar tools. HS: 8203.20.00.00
Metal, cutting shears and similar tools. HS: 8203.30.00.00
Pipecutters, bolt croppers, perforating punches and similar tools. HS: 8203.40.00.00
Hammers and sledge hammers. HS: 8205.20.00.00
Screwdrivers. HS: 8205.40.00.00
Other. HS: 8426.49.00.00
Selfpropelled truck powered by an electric motor. HS: 8427.10.00.00
Other selfpropelled trucks. HS: 8427.20.00.00
Passenger lifts. HS: 8428.10.10.00
Of a power not exceeding 1,500 W and having a dust bag or other receptable capacity not exceeding 20 l HS: 8508.11.00.00
Floor polishers. HS: 8509.80.10.00
Other. HS: 8509.80.90.00
Level gauges for motor vehicles, electrically operated. HS: 9026.10.10.00
Pressure gauges for motor vehicles, electrically operated. HS: 9026.20.10.00
Electrically operated. HS: 9026.80.10.00
Electrically operated. HS: 9027.10.10.00
Electrically operated. HS: 9027.20.10.00
Electrically operated. HS: 9027.30.10.00
Exposure meters. HS: 9027.80.10.00
Electrically operated. HS: 9027.50.10.00
Coagulometers. HS: 9027.80.20.00
Parts and accessories including printed circuit assemblies of product of heading 90.27, other than fo gas or smoke analysis apparatus and microtomes. HS: 9027.90.10.00
Multimeters without a recording device. HS: 9030.31.00.00
Wafer probers. HS: 9030.82.10.00
Indotech Trimitra Abadi, PT [Solo Office]
Indonesia Company Report
Last Update 22-May-2024
Major Businessline : Machinery and industrial equipment, Tools

PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa
3rd Floor, Gapura Raya Building
Jl. Bangka Raya No. 4, Pela Mampang Email :
Jakarta 12720, Indonesia
Selective Member’s Information US $ Select All
Address 0.66
Telephone number(s) [1] 0.22
Facsimile number(s) [1] 0.44
Website 0.28
Business Activity 0.44
Legality (Ownership Type) 0.39
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