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Bandung, Jawa Barat
Business Line: Knitted fabric
Company Database. Last update: May 1, 2024 This page has been viewed 1388 time(s)
Bandung, Jawa Barat
Business Line: Textile finishing: dye, knitt
Company Database. Last update: April 29, 2024 This page has been viewed 1707 time(s)
Bandung, Jawa Barat
Business Line: Children wear; Knitted fabric
Company Database. Last update: April 26, 2024 This page has been viewed 1373 time(s)
Tangerang, Banten
Business Line: Thermo plastic elastomer
Company Database. Last update: March 4, 2024 This page has been viewed 1107 time(s)
Tangerang, Banten
Business Line: Textile, knitting, dyeing, finishing
Company Database. Last update: February 21, 2024 This page has been viewed 1621 time(s)
Bandung, Jawa Barat
Business Line: Yarn, knitting, woven
Company Database. Last update: August 3, 2023 This page has been viewed 223 time(s)
Sumedang, Jawa Barat
Business Line: Yarn, knitting, woven
Company Database. Last update: August 3, 2023 This page has been viewed 213 time(s)
Bandung, Jawa Barat
Business Line: Yarn, knitting, woven
Company Database. Last update: August 3, 2023 This page has been viewed 6825 time(s)
Solo, Jawa Tengah
Business Line: Knitted fabric, T-shirt
Company Database. Last update: April 7, 2023 This page has been viewed 1327 time(s)
Jakarta Utara, DKI Jakarta
Business Line: Knitted fabric; Textile finishing; Twist and yarn
Company Database. Last update: February 23, 2023 This page has been viewed 1504 time(s)
Bandung, Jawa Barat
Business Line: Knitted fabric; Textile finishing; Twist and yarn
Company Database. Last update: February 23, 2023 This page has been viewed 1434 time(s)
Bandung, Jawa Barat
Business Line: Knitted fabric; Textile finishing; Twist and yarn
Company Database. Last update: February 23, 2023 This page has been viewed 1563 time(s)
Jakarta Selatan, DKI Jakarta
Business Line: Knitted fabric; Mens underwear
Company Database. Last update: January 4, 2023 This page has been viewed 1763 time(s)
Jakarta Pusat, DKI Jakarta
Business Line: Yarn and Knitted fabric
Company Database. Last update: March 22, 2022 This page has been viewed 1472 time(s)
Solo, Jawa Tengah
Business Line: Knitted fabric, T-shirt
Company Database. Last update: October 7, 2019 This page has been viewed 1543 time(s)
Gresik, Jawa Timur
Business Line: Woven and knitted fabric
Company Database. Last update: August 20, 2019 This page has been viewed 1441 time(s)
Surabaya, Jawa Timur
Business Line: Knitted fabric
Company Database. Last update: July 18, 2019 This page has been viewed 1324 time(s)
Pasuruan, Jawa Timur
Business Line: Knitted fabric
Company Database. Last update: July 18, 2019 This page has been viewed 1280 time(s)
Suggested Links
Kahatex, PT
Yarn, knitting, woven

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